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Power VS Force

Feb 08, 2025

Have you ever noticed how some people just sail through life and no matter what events or circumstances happen, they consistently demonstrate a state of resilience that keeps them moving forward? They exhibit a calm confidence and appear to be content in the present, enjoying life. They are FEARLESS. Why? Because they have FAITH. 

Some say they are lucky, but in reality, they have become consciously aware of how to access their inner power, align with it, and use it for the greater good. They have an awareness that most have not yet accessed, not because they are not capable, everyone has the capability; but because they are not consciously aware that they have the power to do so and have not applied it. As a result, they walk around in the dark, not knowing how they show up. 

Napoleon Hill called this power of awareness that makes one fearless, “Applied Faith”, a medium by which we can tap and draw upon the supreme power which created us and runs the entire universe. We have the power to co-create in synergy with this power and increase life by adding to it. This lifeforce within, our divinity, is Spirit. Spirit is life, love, light, power, peace, beauty, & bliss. When you “add Spirit to the game of life,” you increase life and expand it. 

 When you resist "what is", you “take away” from the natural energy flow and dissipate spirit. The path of Least Resistance can be found by using your Emotional Guidance System. The more you learn how to read and feel your way forward with your emotions, allowing them to guide you and provide you feedback, the more power you will be able to garner and direct. If this is something you would like to experience and control, the good news is, you can. Read on.

David Hawkins wrote a book called “Power vs Force,” scientifically proving that your “go to energy choice,” of either power or force, determines the outcome of your behavior. Vibration precedes manifestation. 

Hawkins studied and recorded the frequencies of “feeling vibrations” using hertz measurements. Power is characterized by “lack of resistance” to source energy. Force is characterized by the “presence of resistance” towards source energy.

Force energy has a predominant resistance level, a lack of congruence. It is a heavier, slow-moving vibration. For example, shame is the lowest "feeling" vibration level at a frequency of only 20 hz and everything recorded up to the frequency of 175hz, the feeling of pride, is considered “Force energy.” 

Power begins at an activation frequency rate of 200hz; where resistance is minimized, because the energy is congruent with source energy. “Power" is a positive, life-affirming energy, characterized by growth and expansion. This life-affirming energy exists from 200hz up to a frequency of 1000 hertz, classified in the book as "enlightenment". 

When an individual exhibits COURAGE he believes that something is feasible for life. Belief transforms the energy field with congruence. 200hz is the entrance point of power alignment with source energy or applied faith.

When you believe something is feasible, you begin to move forward in action. The action creates momentum that increases the vibration frequency. Empowering beliefs increase the rate of vibration and help you break free from resistance. In contrast, a state of disbelief, slows you down.

Hawkins observed that those with greater emotional intelligence, associated with higher levels of consciousness, chose to activate their internal power more frequently. Those with lower levels of emotional intelligence, unconsciously exhibited more force energy in their behavior. 

So, the takeaway from the research indicates the way to access more of your power is to grow and expand your conscious awareness. You are your awareness. You can expand your awareness by expanding your emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. This means that instead of ignoring emotions or letting emotions control you, you use the emotions to guide you and handle your interactions with others in a harmonious way.

In my book, “The Spirit of Selling,” I stress that it’s time to take our Power back. That the more emotional connections you make with others, the stronger your magnetism becomes. That the essence of who we are is Spirit. Spirit is life, light, love, power, peace, beauty, and bliss. It is what connects us. Understanding the contrast between Power and Force, provides the venue to distinguish between our ego and our divinity within. With this awareness we have greater choice to consciously respond, to heal, and to transform into the next best version of ourselves.

Hawkins argues that power is the natural state of the universe, while force is an artificial creation of the ego. Individuals can their cultivate power and move towards higher levels of consciousness by letting go of their ego and practicing acceptance, surrender, and forgiveness.


4 steps to Cultivate your Power

Step 1 – Ask yourself if you believe in an Infinite or a Finite Power? If you want to tackle your ego, you must be willing to reevaluate your beliefs about God, Buddha, Source Energy, The Universe, Infinite Intelligence, the Great Spirit, whatever name you want to call the Energy that creates worlds. 

If you believe that energy is abundant, unlimited, and that you can tap into it, and direct it at will, you will have access to unlimited potential and power.

If you believe that the power is finite, that the energy that creates worlds is too busy to worry about you or support you, that you are not worthy, and that you can only ASK for help if you are desperate, you will be exhausted and by default resort to force. I know because this was me.

If you do not believe that a power force exists, then you are alone and all you have is your ego. 

When you believe in a finite power and turn towards something outside of you, you create resistance. Resistance is the only thing that holds you back. If you are not FEARLESS right now and want to be, you lack FAITH and have not yet revealed to yourself what you are truly capable of. 

Recognize where you. Be honest. Ask yourself if your beliefs are empowering you and supporting you to become the next best version of yourself. Or do the beliefs you hold onto, make you accept struggle and feel that it's pointless to try to change your life? A belief is nothing more than an evaluation you make. Nothing is sacred or permanent unless you declare it so. Allow yourself the opportunity to re-evaluate your beliefs and accept only those beliefs that will empower you and support your growth. Surrender your old story that doesn't serve you. Let it go!

Step 2 - Test and apply your new beliefs like a scientist. Consider accepting the words of the Nazorean from 2000 years ago, that the kingdom of heaven is within you. What if you really are made in the image of your creator? What if you are an energy field that can channel the energy that creates worlds? What is possible if you can align with an infinite power source to create and add to what is for the harmonious good of all concerned? What would you do to test it? What would you need to demonstrate to trust it? What would you need to see, feel, or experience to believe it? 

To "KNOW OF" something is not the same as “KNOWING.” Knowing comes from applying a concept, from the experience. ACTION is where the receiving happens. Application and action creates FAITH - KNOWING.

Step 3 - Develop a relationship with the power. You are made up of the same element as the power: life. Kirlian photography reveals that everything has an energy aura including YOU. You get to DECIDE what version of the power you want to be. You can choose your personality from an infinite set of possibilities. All you have to do to change YOU is accept an new idea - name it and claim it! The laws that apply to the universal energy that creates worlds apply to you as well. Everything in harmony with law continues to live, grow, and expand. 

Energy only gets blocked when you think you can’t get what you want – that’s fear. When you project fear on the source energy – you constrict and stunt your vessel. You are the vessel, the instrument for the energy to flow through. Minimize the resistance and increase the flow. Grow the size of the vessel, YOU(awareness), and more power can come through it. Relationships are built upon emotional connections.

 How can you get to know the POWER? Use it! Apply universal law. Accept the idea that all energy forms are one. We are all connected. Spend your time using the POWER to develop a relationship with it. Instead of thinking about why you can’t, focus on how you can. Eliminate your self-imposed resistance. Gratitude is a great place to begin!

Step 4 - Stop giving your power away. That means stop looking "out there" leaning into what is, for your answers. Start asking yourself more questions and listen to the answers. Lean into the power instead. For example, recognize that money doesn’t give you security; infinite power gives you security. You don’t get paid by your employer; you get paid through your employer. The tomato plant doesn’t come from the seed, it comes through the seed. The sale doesn’t come from the prospect, it comes through the prospect. Energy flows through the instruments. Everything circulates through the instruments. ACCEPT that you are an instrument; the power does the work. 

SURRENDER to the power. We are all connected to this power and connected to each other. Everyone has a talent the world needs - circulate yours! Life grows and expands through the process of circulation; embrace giving and receiving to cultivate your power! 

If you accept the idea that you are an instrument for the power and accept responsibility to become a good conductor for the power you will win. Energy follows universal law. You are energy and you can have it work for you when you operate and apply universal law. If you adopt the philosophy to “add to life, to increase life, to leave everyone you meet in a better place than where you found it”, you can’t lose. When you look for the good in yourself, others, and every circumstance or event you will find a gift or opportunity. Accept what is, and if you don't like it recognize the signal to create something new. Forgive the rest. Remember that force is resistance, power is flow. Choose POWER over Force- Be FEARLESS.

 -  Rhonda Petit

















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