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A collection of stories, encouragement, expertise, and lessons all learned from the life and career of Rhonda Petit.Ā 

Leadership Stress is Costing You More Than You Think...

Mar 04, 2025

Business is a game of energetics. The purpose of a business is to move society forward by solving problems. Clients, just like you, are attracted towards organizations with high vibe energy that can solve their problems. 

Your company operates as an Energy System & your corporate culture is a Mindset. 

Today, the biggest RISK to the health of your organization and the LEGACY of your Leadership is Corporate Catabolism. 

Corporate Catabolism occurs when STRESS creates catabolic perceptions. 

Catabolism: The process a system uses to generate energy to counteract a stressor. Catabolic energy is a draining, contracting, & resisting energy. Catabolism is fed by stress.

Anabolism: The process by which the system builds itself up & grows. Anabolism is fed by trust, engagement, and connection. Anabolic energy is a constructive, expanding, & fueling energy.

The Cost of Corporate Catabolism

A recent Gallup study shows US Employee engagement fell to its lowest level of only 31% engagement by the end of 2024. The declines were noted to be caused by leaders progressively failing to meet basic needs of role clarity, strong relationships and opportunities for development and the leaders are faring no better than those they manage, with only 31% engaged. [1]

Rapid organizational changes, challenges arising from hybrid and remote work transitions, new customer and employee expectations, and broken performance management practices all contributed, Gallup’s research found.[2]

If you operate under a catabolic “fight or flight” process for too long, your body will literally begin to break down, and the same holds for corporations. Flight leads to avoidance, indecision, & lack of initiative that causes disengagement. Fight is triggered in response to external or internal conflict that leads to division and derision. 

[1] U.S. Employee Engagement Sinks to 10-Year Low

[2] Employee Engagement Hasn't Been This Low Since 2014

Corporate catabolism is a mindset of recurring stress; being in a constant reactive mode. The problem with corporate catabolism is that it comes from unconscious “triggered” perceptions. This creates dysfunction because you can’t fix what you cannot see. 

Catabolism always drains its most valuable resources because it’s the only way it knows how to respond to its environment. Catabolism leads to significant drops in leader and employee engagement, drains the organization of creativity, halts innovation, and leaves little reserve to counteract unexpected challenges. 

The COI, (Cost of Inaction) for dealing with catabolism, is costing corporate America trillions in profit loss. And the impact is not just on the business; it’s impacting the wellbeing of the employees.

When the leaders and people in the organization are in a state of stress, entropy is created. Entropy is a measure of the disorder of a system. Entropy also describes how much energy is NOT available to do work. The more disordered a system and higher the entropy, the less of a system's energy is available to do work. 

The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a system either increases or remains constant in any spontaneous process; the disorder never decreases. This is why no high energy result will ever flow to a low energy source. Ignoring catabolism is not the answer. The only way to create a financial turnaround, an increase in engagement, and an increase in productivity is to elevate the “energy” of the system.

The opposite energy is Corporate Anabolism.

Anabolic perspectives do not get “triggered.” Anabolic energy is based in trust and focuses the company’s attention and individuals' perceptions in a manner that moves business forward. Anabolism is a cultural mindset of responsive mode, that solves, resolves, understands, creates, and supports. The anabolic perception looks at “what is” and determines what can be made of “what is” to create a solution or opportunity. 

Leaders who tap into anabolic energy engage and empower their staff with positive impact, cause engagement & satisfaction to increase, resulting in higher levels of productivity.

The good news is that catabolism can be reversed.

Your biggest opportunity to increase engagement and productivity as a leader is to develop situational awareness of yourself and others so you can respond appropriately to the people in your charge and shift perceptions. 

Revealing unconscious stress triggers and understanding where you are at any moment and how you respond to stress can make all the difference.

Ready to LEAD differently? 

To create a new result, you must know where you are and where you want to go. The Energy Leadership® Index (ELI) assessment is the proprietary, research-backed assessment tool that takes something abstract, like the way a person views the world, and turns it into something tangible—a metric of your current energetics that you can see and feel and even reevaluate in the future. 

No one's energy is consistent through all areas of life. We view the world through perception filters based on our experiences, values, and assumptions. These perception filters either LIMIT your perspective or EXPAND what you see. 

The Energy Leadership Index reveals what specific perception filters you've developed and how those filters are influencing the results you're achieving. 

Recognizing your STRESS reaction is the first step toward reducing the stress you experience. 

The ASSESSMENT measures your current:

  • leadership ability to lead yourself and others.
  • level of engagement with life.
  • level of consciousness.
  • stress reaction triggers

How it works:

1) Order the assessment using this link.  The ELI Assessment. You will receive an email from “Assessments.” The assessment will take you 20 minutes to complete. Use promo code GIFT50 at checkout!

2) Once completed, you will receive an email from 3x5coaching with your assessment report in pdf form AND instructions to schedule your free 90 minute consultation with your ELI Master Practitioner to review the results. In this no obligation free debrief your questions will be answered, and you will identify your unique leadership leverage opportunities to amplify your leadership impact.

When you become more conscious and engaged, judgement lessens about yourself and others, as well as the world, stress decreases, and leadership, productivity, pleasure, and the feeling of purpose and fulfillment increase. 

Imagine showing up as that calm confident leader at work and the positive impact, legacy, and fun you will create for yourself and your employees! Not to mention the competitive advantage you will create by bringing more team potential to the surface!

The world needs your Leadership. Conserve your energy capacity and channel it for IMPACT. Order your ASSESSMENT & schedule your debrief today!

To learn more about the Group ELI assessment for your team, book a call with Rhonda here. Schedule your call

Forbes assessment of the ELI

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